Avocado for Self-Feeding
Avocados are a good food for your baby to self-feed, whether for baby-led weaning, which happens around 6 months of age, or during the finger foods stage at 9 months.
6+ months: thick slices with half of the peel on, slices rolled in hemp seeds or a puree: Avocados are slippery and hard for babies to grasp, so leaving the peel on or rolling slices in hemp seeds (or finely crushed nuts) helps baby to handle it. You can offer purees and still allow your baby to lead the way with self-feeding by placing some spoonfuls directly on your baby's tray or bowl to let them explore on their own, or you can hand them a pre-loaded self-feeding spoon.
9+ months: chunks or large slices. At this age, babies have started to develop a pincer grasp, so avocado chunks are great for your baby to practice this skill. You can also continue serving larger slices based on preference or for ease with eating.
Avocados for Self Feeding
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Servings: 1-2 servings
Age: 6+ months
- 1/4 ripe avocado
Slice with Peel: Cut a slice of avocado with the peel on. Using a sharp knife, cut the peel 1/3-1/2 the way up the side of the avocado until you get to the flesh. Do not cut all the way through the avocado slice. Take the peel off and serve the avocado slice to your baby with them holding the peel that is still on the avocado.
- Coated Avocado Slices: Take the sliced and peeled avocado and roll in the hemp seeds, breadcrumbs, finely chopped nuts or crushed baby puffs.
Age: 6+ months
Yield: 1-2 servings
Puree for Self-Feeding: Yes, it can be done! You can offer purees and still allow your baby to lead the way with self-feeding.
- Place a few spoonfuls of purees directly on the tray or in a bowl for your baby to dip fingers into. Model how to dip your fingers into the puree and bring them to your mouth, to taste some.
- Offer your baby a pre-loaded self-feeding utensil and hold it out for them to grasp or set on their tray.
Nutritional Information for Avocados
Avocados are nutritious, delicious and make a great food for your baby since they are full of 20 different vitamins and minerals and support heart health, digestive health, and brain health, among other things.
- Healthy fats help support your baby’s rapidly growing brain
- Fiber helps keep baby’s bowel movements regular
- Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects against free radicals, and supports healthy eyes and skin