Cantaloupe for Self-Feeding
Cantaloupe is a good food for your baby to self-feed, whether for baby-led weaning, which happens around 6 months of age, or during the finger foods stage at 9 months.
6-9 months - large stick at least 2 fingers wide or as a puree: It may seem counterintuitive, but larger foods are actually better at this age to prevent choking and are easier to pick up. You can also use a crinkle cutter to give the stick of cantaloupe more grip. You can offer purees and still allow your baby to lead the way with self-feeding by placing some spoonfuls directly on your baby's tray or bowl to let them explore on their own, or you can hand them a pre-loaded self-feeding spoon.
9-12 months - wedges or very small, soft cubes: when your baby’s pincer grasp has developed, you can serve chopped bite-size pieces of cantaloupe or a wedge to your baby. If you offer smaller cubes, make sure the cantaloupe is plenty ripe and squishes gently between your fingers, as cantaloupe is often firm and slippery, which increases its choking risk, even for toddlers.
18-24+ months - thinly sliced crescent moon or stick shaped: Older babies and toddlers often start to eat faster, larger bites at this age, so continuing to offer thin, larger shaped pieces will help encourage them to slow down and chew thoroughly with eating.
Cantaloupe for Self-Feeding
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Servings: 1 serving
Age: 6+ months
- 1 slice ripe cantaloupe
Serve to your baby in thick sticks, chopped, as a wedge, on the rind, in small sticks, or on a self-feeding spoon depending on your baby's age.
Age: 6+ months
Yield: 1 serving
Puree for Self-Feeding: Yes, it can be done! You can offer purees and still allow your baby to lead the way with self-feeding.
- Place a few spoonfuls of purees directly on the tray or in a bowl for your baby to dip fingers into. Model how to dip your fingers into the puree and bring them to your mouth, to taste some.
- Offer your baby a pre-loaded self-feeding utensil and hold it out for them to grasp or set on their tray.
- Use a solid food as a dipper. You can also offer a soft stick-shaped piece of food, such as a soft roasted carrot or bread lightly toasted and cut into strips to dip into the puree.
Nutritional Information
Melons are full of nutrition for babies, and cantaloupes are no exception.
- Contain potassium, an important electrolyte for maintaining fluid balance, muscle contractions and normal heartbeat.
- High in vitamin C, which supports the immune system and helps with iron absorption.
- Cantaloupe is an excellent source of vitamin A, which is necessary for healthy eyes and skin.
- High water content helps keep your baby hydrated and relieves constipation.